Chinese Character Recognition

Hello! This is where I hope to host my machine learning model in the future. Project hosted at: Please keep coming back to see updates and progress!

1) Write the character in the black box below. Available characters are 零,一,二,三,四,五,六, 七,八,九,十,百,千,万,and 亿. Attempt to draw the character as close to the sample data shown above as the model is sensitive to the way in which the character is written.
2) Press the 'Predict' button to have the model make a prediction on your writing.
3) Scroll down to see predicted character along with probability and the bar chart showing of the probabilities for all of the characters.

Write the character in the box below.

Below is the recognized character.

Recognized character:

Last Updated: February 4, 2022
Version 2.0
Copyright 2021 Tyler Pruitt